Dear Past Self
Donny Mangos Donny Mangos

Dear Past Self

I am writing to you from the future, where I have achieved financial freedom and have found a new way to fund my life without relying on a salary. I want to share with you the secrets of how I was able to do this, so that you too can experience the same level of freedom and abundance that I now enjoy.

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Looking for a great deal?
Donny Mangos Donny Mangos

Looking for a great deal?

“Hey, Donny! Do you have any great deals on the go?” In all honesty, I get asked this question nearly daily. The answer is always “yes” because a great deal can be anything, really. What does a great deal look like to you?

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You are who you were going to be when you grew up.
Donny Mangos Donny Mangos

You are who you were going to be when you grew up.

When you find happiness in what you do, you’ll be better at your job because the truth is when you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life. You’ll just have to trust that it will all work out. Chase happiness and you’ll find happiness.

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Playing it safe isn’t safe.
Donny Mangos Donny Mangos

Playing it safe isn’t safe.

Here’s a novel idea: What if instead of ignoring the risks of having a job, we consider planning on losing our jobs instead? Would that change your perspective? Of course, it would so let’s do that.

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